Red Notice Abuse Report: For Some INTERPOL Member Countries, Suspension and Expulsion Might Soon Become Real After All - Red Notice Abuse Report

INTERPOL has finally resolved to make expulsion of member countries possible

When it comes to INTERPOL abuse, the most noticeable item on the agenda of the 90th INTERPOL General Assembly (October 18-21, 2022) was the proposal to amend the INTERPOL Constitution to provide for the suspension and expulsion of member countries from the organization.  Currently, neither the Constitution nor any other INTERPOL rule allows for this.  The strictest sanction an INTERPOL member country may face is a long-term suspension of “processing” rights, specifically, the right to record, consult and download data in (from) INTERPOL’s databases.  Such suspension, however, would not affect a country’s other powers as a member of the organization . . .

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