Red Notice Abuse Report: INTERPOL has the Power and Obligation to Prevent All Abusive Government Requests from Entering its Channels, No Exceptions

Under INTERPOL's rules, the General Secretariat must act preemptively, not just deal with abusive government requests after they are already disseminated through its channels

In its 2017 annual report, the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files (CCF) confirmed that INTERPOL did not have a comprehensive mechanism that would allow it to monitor incoming diffusions and other government requests, and that indeed some governments had succeeded in disseminating diffusions against the same individuals whom CCF had already found to be victims of their Red Notice abuse. At the time, I called upon INTERPOL to implement such mechanism to ensure that no government request enters its channels if it concerns an individual whom INTERPOL had already found to be the victim of government abuse of its resources.

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